Exhibitions and Trade Show Security

Exhibitions and Trade Show Security

Exhibitions and Trade shows are events where a large number of people gather. They may have different intentions for attending. Some are honest and noble, whereas others may have bad intentions. They have come to pick pockets of attendees, some may have come steal, loot and take advantage of a disorganized environment.

Often just the presence of security personnel can serve as a sufficient deterrent to would-be thieves. However, there are some critical points where it may be necessary to have armed guards on hand. In particular, the time of loading and unloading goods into a convention hall may represent a moment of opportunity to those wishing to steal and take possession of other people’s properties.

The risks don’t end there, however. During the trade show itself, exhibitors are frequently distracted. They may be deep in conversation with a major potential client, or an important existing client. Even worse, a thief’s accomplice might be purposefully diverting their attention while a crime is taking place. Whatever the case, it will not be possible for exhibitors to maintain a constant security watch over all of their merchandise, all of the time.

Having professional security guards in place relieves much of the stress vendors feel about exhibiting at trade shows. For the venues and the organizers, having professional, trained and competent security guards on hand is a major selling point for promoting their events. Conversely, holding an event where a major theft or disruption occurs can do irreparable harm to an organizers’ reputation.

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