Body Guards/Vvip Protection

Body Guards/Vvip Protection

Bodyguards have become more accessible and affordable – Who are those who need Body Guards?

Celebrities and those in the public eye: Of course, the rich and famous are the most obvious category of person who might have a bodyguard. But today this also extends to those who’ve recently come to the attention of the masses, even fleetingly, such as those on reality TV shows, YouTube stars, lottery winners, and influencers. Stalkers, crazed fans, and the like are just some of the reasons for protection, especially when visiting public places.

Top Executives and CEOs: In particular, those of high-profile companies. Holding such a position brings with it certain risks, including corporate sabotage, kidnapping, protection from disgruntled employees, and anti-corporation activists. Executive protection is on the rise, with many companies and individuals realizing the benefits and peace of mind it brings.

Political figures: Politics bring out strong emotions and feelings in people—and, unfortunately, not only the positive ones. Politicians, and indeed prominent activists, are a prime target for those who disagree with their views, and are likely to require personal protection.

Wealthy people: Having a high net worth sadly attracts the attention of those who’re either jealous or think they stand to gain from doing you harm. A bodyguard might also be necessary for family members as well.

Terrier Guards and Security Service provides bodyguards for all people and scenarios. From celebrity bodyguard services to wealthy family protection, their global services have been utilized by satisfied individuals and companies for decades. With highly trained, ex-military personnel, TERRIER GUARDS’ bodyguards are discreet and professional. The service also includes a full assessment of needs prior to assignment, so ensuring a successful working relationship while providing the necessary added level of security and protection.

Temporary Security Guards

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At TERRIER GUARDS we offer temporary security guards 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We will have a security guard on-site in 4 hours or less, guaranteed.

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